Exit this survey LinkedIn is always working to improve our communications with professionals just like you, and we rely on our members to tell us how we're doing. Please tell us what you think of the email that we just sent you. This survey should take no more than two minutes to complete. We thank you for your candid and thoughtful responses! Question Title * 1. What is your overall impression of this email? 1 Negative 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Positive Why? Explain your response. Question Title * 2. Which of the following updates about your LinkedIn connections are you most interested in hearing about in an email such as this one? 1: Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10: Extremely interested Gets a new job at another company Gets a new job at another company 1: Not at all interested Gets a new job at another company 2 Gets a new job at another company 3 Gets a new job at another company 4 Gets a new job at another company 5 Gets a new job at another company 6 Gets a new job at another company 7 Gets a new job at another company 8 Gets a new job at another company 9 Gets a new job at another company 10: Extremely interested Changes their profile Changes their profile 1: Not at all interested Changes their profile 2 Changes their profile 3 Changes their profile 4 Changes their profile 5 Changes their profile 6 Changes their profile 7 Changes their profile 8 Changes their profile 9 Changes their profile 10: Extremely interested Is mentioned in the news Is mentioned in the news 1: Not at all interested Is mentioned in the news 2 Is mentioned in the news 3 Is mentioned in the news 4 Is mentioned in the news 5 Is mentioned in the news 6 Is mentioned in the news 7 Is mentioned in the news 8 Is mentioned in the news 9 Is mentioned in the news 10: Extremely interested Has a birthday Has a birthday 1: Not at all interested Has a birthday 2 Has a birthday 3 Has a birthday 4 Has a birthday 5 Has a birthday 6 Has a birthday 7 Has a birthday 8 Has a birthday 9 Has a birthday 10: Extremely interested Has an anniversary at their job Has an anniversary at their job 1: Not at all interested Has an anniversary at their job 2 Has an anniversary at their job 3 Has an anniversary at their job 4 Has an anniversary at their job 5 Has an anniversary at their job 6 Has an anniversary at their job 7 Has an anniversary at their job 8 Has an anniversary at their job 9 Has an anniversary at their job 10: Extremely interested Makes a new connection Makes a new connection 1: Not at all interested Makes a new connection 2 Makes a new connection 3 Makes a new connection 4 Makes a new connection 5 Makes a new connection 6 Makes a new connection 7 Makes a new connection 8 Makes a new connection 9 Makes a new connection 10: Extremely interested Shares an article or an update Shares an article or an update 1: Not at all interested Shares an article or an update 2 Shares an article or an update 3 Shares an article or an update 4 Shares an article or an update 5 Shares an article or an update 6 Shares an article or an update 7 Shares an article or an update 8 Shares an article or an update 9 Shares an article or an update 10: Extremely interested Was endorsed for a skill Was endorsed for a skill 1: Not at all interested Was endorsed for a skill 2 Was endorsed for a skill 3 Was endorsed for a skill 4 Was endorsed for a skill 5 Was endorsed for a skill 6 Was endorsed for a skill 7 Was endorsed for a skill 8 Was endorsed for a skill 9 Was endorsed for a skill 10: Extremely interested Gets a new job title Gets a new job title 1: Not at all interested Gets a new job title 2 Gets a new job title 3 Gets a new job title 4 Gets a new job title 5 Gets a new job title 6 Gets a new job title 7 Gets a new job title 8 Gets a new job title 9 Gets a new job title 10: Extremely interested Are there other updates about connections that you would be interested in? (please specify) Question Title * 3. Did this email change your impression of LinkedIn? Much more positive A little more positive Neither positive nor negative A little more negative Much more negative Why? Explain your response. Question Title * 4. How often would you like to receive an email like this? Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never Why? Explain your response. Question Title * 5. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this email? Do you have any ideas about how to make it better? Thank you for your time and opinions! Done