Share Your Story of Culture in Healthcare |
Understanding a "Just Culture"
Please share your story of 100 words or less about working in, or being treated in a healthcare environment where people feel empowered to identify quality or safety issues without fear of judgement or intimidation - a "Just Culture"
In 100 words or less please explain how the culture of healthcare has impacted:
• your safety
• the safety of someone you know
• the safety of a patient you cared for
We are specifically looking for ways to improve the culture for the best possible outcomes. Suggested improvements are helpful.
Be sure to include your name and contact information. We will be using first names only.
Submissions due by February 20 will be considered for the journal to be shared on April 20, 2015 at the PULSE of NY patient safety symposium The Changing Culture of Healthcare: Impacting Patient Safety.
Please do not use names of hospitals, healthcare organizations or medical professionals in your submission.
Following your story submission, come back and register here: Registration
For questions contact info@pulseofny.org or call (516) 579-4711
(stories may be edited for clarity)