Welcome to the USPS America Recycles Day Pledge!
To celebrate America Recycles Day, we offer you a wide range of opportunities to begin recycling one or more items you currently throw away. You can take this pledge as one that applies to your activities at home and/or at work.
The ideas are simple. The key is that you follow through on your commitments.
Pledge to recycle every day.
View the commitments of other like minded Postal employees.
Do a self-evaluation of your progress at the end of each month.
Continue with the recycling ideas that work for you.
Remember, your participation in this pledge is voluntary. If you are a craft employee, you may only participate in this survey with the approval of your supervisor.
Recycling saves money and it saves natural resources.
Thomas G. Day
Chief Sustainability Officer
United States Postal Service
The ideas are simple. The key is that you follow through on your commitments.
Pledge to recycle every day.
View the commitments of other like minded Postal employees.
Do a self-evaluation of your progress at the end of each month.
Continue with the recycling ideas that work for you.
Remember, your participation in this pledge is voluntary. If you are a craft employee, you may only participate in this survey with the approval of your supervisor.
Recycling saves money and it saves natural resources.
Thomas G. Day
Chief Sustainability Officer
United States Postal Service