Call for Presentation Proposals

Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, New York
Hosted by Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
September 29-October 2, 2015
The Association of University Research Parks (AURP), the world’s leading network of university research, science and technology park professionals, invites you to share your knowledge, expertise and experience by presenting at the 2015 International Conference in Buffalo, New York.

CONFERENCE THEME: C3 – Connect, Collaborate, Create

Proven engines for economic growth and development, university research parks influence their communities in significant ways. AURP’s 2015 annual conference, hosted by the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, will feature experts who will examine university research park best practices and the strategies which will develop a knowledge-based economy by increasing ties between university, research parks, government and industry partners.

With the exciting opportunity of showcasing the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus as a prime example of the emerging trend of Innovation Districts, the conference will feature joint plenary sessions—and a concurrent track specifically designed for attendees located in or interested in the creation of an Innovation District.

Interesting approaches and creative solutions to challenges surrounding university research parks regarding the conference theme of C3 – Connect, Collaborate, Create, as well as the new concurrent track of Innovation Districts, are sought for presentations.

Concurrent breakout sessions will be 60 minutes including all introductions and Q&A.

Past conference sessions include:
• Corporate Partnerships In The Research Park Ecosystem
• Real World Social Media For Research Parks
• Growth in Cybersecurity: Opportunities
• Crowdfunding and The Innovation Economy
• Telling the Whole Story: Universities, Research Parks, and Contributions to the Economy
• Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships
• Reaching Scale Through Open Innovation: Opportunities for Universities and their Research Parks
• Beyond Traditional Infrastructure
• Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Talent for Complex Partnerships
• Integration = Innovation: Research Clusters as Change Agents in their Communities
• Partnering for Success: National Labs and Research Parks
Important Deadlines to Remember:

Friday, April 17th: Submissions Due 

Friday, May 29th: Notification of Acceptance
Monday, September 14th: Presentations Due for Review

Question Title

* 1. Presentation proposal submitted by:

Question Title

* 2. Topic Title:

Question Title

* 3. Which track do you feel this presentation falls under?

Question Title

* 4. What presentation method will be used?
(NOTE: a maximum of three (3) speakers will be allowed for any presentation format)

Question Title

* 5. DESCRIPTION OF SESSION: This is a summary (75 words maximum) of the proposed session. It should include a description of topics to be covered, teaching or dialogue format, and potential use for this knowledge by the participant. The purpose of this session abstract is to enable conference registrants to determine which session they choose to attend. The clearer the description and objectives, the more likely you will attract the appropriate audience for your training workshop or panel.

Question Title


Presentation Proposal much be in English, must be typed and should be no more than one (1) 8.5" x 11" pages long. Creativity and interactivity are important aspects that will be elevated.

All proposals must include
* A 100-word biographical sketch
* A high-resolution speaker photograph in JPG, TIFF or PDF formats (300 dpi)

These items must be submitted electronically in PDF format no later than April 17, 2015 to Vickie Palmer at

Please be sure to have your email have a subject line of "AURP 2015 International Conference Proposal Materials".

Question Title

* 7. Provide the following information on Speaker Name (1):

Full Name
Address, City, State, ZIP, Country
Phone and Email

Question Title

* 8. (If appropriate)
Provide the following information on Speaker Name (2):

Full Name
Address, City, State, ZIP, Country
Phone and Email

Question Title

* 9. (If appropriate)

Provide the following information on Speaker Name (3):

Full Name
Address, City, State, ZIP, Country
Phone and Email

Thank you for submitting your Call of Presentation Proposal.

Reminder of Important Dates to Remember:
Friday, April 17th: Submissions Due 

Friday, May 29th: Notification of Acceptance
Monday, September 14th: Presentations Due for Review

NOTE: Submit your presentation proposal materials electronically in PDF format no later than April 17, 2015 to Vickie Palmer at

Please be sure to have your email have a subject line of "AURP 2015 International Conference Proposal Materials".