Question Title

* 1. I am:

Patient-Related Factors

Question Title

* 2. How confident are you in identifying patient risk factors for invasive fungal infections (IFIs)?

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* 3. How would you typically treat a patient with persistent (>3 days) neutropenic fever?

Question Title

* 4. I am aware of when therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is needed for my patients on antifungal therapy.

Treatment-Related Strategies

Question Title

* 5. Does your institution utilize guidelines for the use of antifungal prophylaxis in high-risk patients?

Question Title

* 6. How often do you utilize IDSA guidelines when selecting antifungal treatment for patients with invasive candidiasis or aspergillosis?

Question Title

* 7. I frequently use combination antifungal therapy for (check all that apply):

System-Based Issues and Opportunities

Question Title

* 8. When invasive candidiasis is confirmed at your institution, how often is susceptibility testing performed?

Question Title

* 9. Approximately how long does it take to get susceptibility results from the clinical microbiology lab?

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* 10. At your institution, when an IFI is suspected, how much time typically passes before antifungal treatment is initiated?

Question Title

* 11. I feel that it is imperative to collaborate with the following clinicians when managing a patient with an IFI (check all that apply)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.