This survey is the result of a collaboration between MOSAIC, NAPWHA and Femfatales. We encourage women living with HIV to be motivated to consider their health, reflect on living with HIV and to complete this survey so that their voices may be heard. The feedback from this survey can be utilised to make positive changes in the delivery of support to women living with HIV.
MOSAIC Services is a specialised counselling and case management program of Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA), supporting people who live with, are affected by or are at high risk of transmission of blood borne virus (HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C).
The National Association of People Living with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) is the peak, peer-based organisation that represents all people living with HIV in Australia. The NAPWHA National Network of Women Living with HIV, also known as Femfatales, works on advocating, informing policy and responding to the challenging and diverse issues that impact on Women Living with HIV (WLHIV).
Our national approach aims to celebrate, advocate, inspire and empower all WLHIV.
Femfatales as a national women's network, appreciates and understands there are often different realities for
WLHIV due to their incredible diversity, uniqueness and different life experiences.
WLHIV face unique challenges and experiences that are not easily identified and it is vital that the gender lens is
also applied to ensure all women's needs are considered, addressed and taken seriously.
Femfatales are excited to collaborate with (MOSAIC at RASA) to promote this important paper and online survey.
Your participation and responses will be highly appreciated as your input will be collated to find and identify any information that may improve women's health, equity and overall quality of life.