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This survey is open to all leaders across Australia and New Zealand over 18 years of age.

This research is an initiative of the Women Leaders Network (WLN).

This survey aims to understand the key challenges faced by, and ways to empower, women leaders in Australia and New Zealand. Results from this survey will be used to help inform what specific initiatives and resources are needed to help equip, empower and release women leaders.

The consultants leading this project are registered psychologists and as such, your data is stored in accordance to Australian Privacy Standards. If you have any questions, please contact the research team.

Your responses and data will be collected, stored and analysed by the WLN research team. All responses and information collected from this survey will be kept completely de-identified and published anonymously. For more information regarding how your data is stored on this survey platform, please view their Privacy Policy here.

All survey data outside this platform will be stored on password secure devices and will not be shared with any third-party organisations. Grouped and aggregate survey data may be shared with a third-party organisation/individuals for further data analysis or reporting. Individual responses will not be shared.

Data for this research will be stored so that further research and comparative analyses can be conducted in Australia and New Zealand, and internationally.

Please note that your participation in this survey is voluntary and you are welcome to exit or cease completing the survey at any time. If you do exit the survey early, as the survey is anonymous, we will be unable to locate and delete your partial survey responses.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or would like to be kept updated about the research results, please contact the team by email.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to be involved in this research? By clicking yes, you indicate that you have read and understood the above information about the survey, that you are voluntarily participating, and that you can exit this survey at any time.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your email address

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