Tipton Webinar Survey - Health Policy: What’s Happening; Why it Matters; and How Nurses Can Get Involved- Orig. Aired 6-22-23

1.Objective #1. Did this webinar meet the objective of explaining how health policy is important in the practice of nursing and how current health policy is experienced in our everyday work.   
2.Objective # 2. Did this webinar meet the objective of explaining simple first steps that a nurse can take to get involved in health policy.
3.Objective #3. Did this webinar meet the objective of summarizing top health policy issues being considered by lawmakers in the United States today.
4.How likely are you to use this information in your practice following this course?
5.Was the method of teaching for this course appropriate for the learning of the content?
6.Was the learning environment conducive to your learning (Zoom technology, Q&A Function)?
7.Below, please provide any comments for the planning team or the presenter to improve or inform future offerings.
8.Below please let us know about future topics that you would like to see provided
9.Your name:
10.Your email (needed to send you your CU):