
Thank you for your participation in The Service Council’s Mobility Research. This is the first of four total surveys in this research series around Mobility in Support. The survey should take no more than 10 -12 minutes.

The four surveys are:
1- Mobile applications for field service agents/technicians (You are here)
2- Mobile applications for field service (non-agent version - leaders, supervisors, dispatchers) (Currently live)
3- Mobile devices (Currently live)
4- Mobile customer care and self-service (Live in November 2015) - You will be sent the survey if you opt in to receive it.

You can take the surveys in any order. If you are the most qualified person for all four surveys, then we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete all the surveys. If someone else at your organization would be better suited to answer specific questions, do let us know.

To thank you for your participation, we will provide you with access to all published content as it is released in Nov-Dec 2015. For any questions or feedback, please contact Sumair Dutta at

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your email address. (This is used to link your answers across surveys and to ensure that you receive summary information)

Question Title

* 2. Other Contact Details (to provide you with published information)

7% of survey complete.