Share your ideas to improve City of Portland government

We want your feedback!

Our office helps ensure City of Portland is running smoothly and fairly. Let us know what to look into and why. Your input is valuable to us!
Which City of Portland bureaus, offices, or activities would you like to see reviewed and why?
Do you have ideas for how those City bureaus, offices, or activities can improve?
We want to ensure that Portlanders from all backgrounds have access to our services. If you are willing, please select your racial or ethnic heritage. Choosing not to answer this question will not affect whether we review your audit suggestion.
If you are willing, please select your age.
Choosing not to answer this question will not affect whether we review your audit suggestion.
If you are willing, please select your district.
Choosing not to answer this question will not affect whether we review your audit suggestion.
District Map
Visit the Audit Services Division webpage to learn more about our work.
If you think a City office has treated you unfairly, please report those issues directly to:
  • Independent Police Review for misconduct complaints about the Portland Police
  • Ombudsman for complaints about all other City of Portland bureaus or offices
  • Fraud Hotline to report suspected fraud, waste or misuse of City of Portland resources, and abuse of position
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