1. Welcome

12% of survey complete.
Welcome to the Parent/Guardian Opinion Survey. This survey is conducted by National School Surveys and aims to help SDPC understand parents/guardians' perceptions. The information gained from this survey will assist school management to address areas of concern, and make recommendations to facilitate improvements to your daughter's learning environment. This survey is conducted independently to your daughter's school. We ask that you provide your name and email for this survey. Should you like to provide any further comment or feedback please email leadership@stdominics.sa.edu.au and your comments will go directly to the Principal.

We would appreciate it if you would consider your eldest daughter who attends SDPC. You may also complete the survey again for any other daughters you may have at the school, if your opinion differs according to their year level. Both parents/guardians may complete the survey independently. The survey consists of approximately 50 questions that you will need to rate on a scale, and this should take about 10-15 minutes.

The rating scale is:

0 = Strongly disagree
1 = Disagree
2 = Slightly disagree
3 = Slightly agree
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree

If you have any further questions about the survey, please email info@schoolsurveys.com.au

For further information about National School Surveys, please refer to: www.schoolsurveys.com.au

Thank you for participating.

Please ensure that you complete the survey by 11pm on Friday, 26 July, 2024.