Since Node Solid Server was first released, the Solid ecosystem has evolved with:
  • New and enhanced features included in the Solid specification.
  • The implementation of several new Solid Servers...with more to come.
  • New and improved developer libraries.
  • A vibrant developer community.
  • An increasing number of Solid applications, covering pod management, social, games, finance, health, geolocation, and many more.
While this is an exciting foretaste regarding the future of Solid, it does emphasize the need to maintain compatibility and interoperability across the different Solid servers. Although some of this complexity can be mitigated through the use of well designed and maintained developer libraries, it does require proactive maintenance of the applications.

We encourage Solid application developers to complete this survey to aid with the current understanding of the state of application compatibility and interoperability within the Solid ecosystem. The results of the survey will be used to inform prioritization of product features, documentation, and other resources to better support the developer community.
4% of survey complete.