Digitalisation selfscan Digital transformation has become essential for business continuity, enhancing customer interactions and modernising companies’ network infrastructure. How is your company approaching digitalisation? Share your experiences and find out how advanced your operations are. Question Title What sector is your business in? Farming (including hunting) Industry and mining Construction Wholesale/retail trade Hospitality Transport, storage and telecommunications Banking and insurance IT and software Other services Education Healthcare and social welfare Public administration Other (please specify) Question Title How many people does your company employ? 1 to 10 11 to 49 50 to 249 > 249 Question Title Is digital transformation part of your long-term strategy? Yes, we have a digital transformation plan integrated into our long-term strategy. We are exploring options, but digital transformation is not yet part of our formal long-term strategy. No, digital transformation is not part of our long-term strategy. I don’t know Next