The RunDot Project (RDP) Running Background Question Title * 1. How many years have you been running for health or fitness? I'm new to running! 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11+ years Question Title * 2. How many days per week are you currently running? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 Question Title * 3. How many miles per week have you averaged over the last 4 weeks? 0 1-9 miles 10-19 miles 20-29 miles 30-39 miles 40-49 miles 50-59 miles 60+ miles Question Title * 4. What's the longest event you've run? I've never done an event. 5k 10k 10-miler Half marathon Marathon Ultramarathon Other (please specify) Next