PRiMER Reviewer Interest Form |
Thank You for your interest in serving as a reviewer for PRiMER!
Peer-reviewed Reports in Medical Education Research (PRiMER) is an open access scholarly journal of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and the STFM Resource Library. PRiMER publishes original research briefs relevant to education in family medicine and closely related areas. As a companion to other STFM journals, PRiMER is focused on medical education and health workforce policy.
We are always searching for new peer reviewers for the manuscripts we receive, which typically are no longer than about 1000 words. The Editorial Board of PRiMER strives to request that you have no more than one review in your reviewer queue at a time, and we find that reviewing a short report for PRiMER probably takes no more than an hour of concentrated effort.
We ask that reviewers:
1. Focus on the scientific validity and processes of the submitted work, and not upon the novelty or "wow factor" of submitted manuscripts.
2. We also ask almost all submitted work to follow the standard Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion (IMRD) format, and to report the results of original research in medical education or related areas. Occasionally, we also receive clinical research reports - we will review and consider these manuscripts under the category of "Learner Research," provided the first and corresponding author is a student, resident or fellow. In short, most of the work you would be asked to review should follow a fairly standardized format, which should make the job easier as you get used to the role.
3. We also ask that comments to authors be constructive, with specific suggestions for improvement. Since many of our submitting authors may be fairly new, or completely novice, to publication, we strive to make this a good developmental and learning process. In order to make that job easier for you, both the editor-in-chief and the managing publisher screen all submissions in advance of sending any out for review. Any that need serious remediation are sent back to the submitting author. As a potential reviewer, you should only see articles that have at least had one level of screening before being sent to you.
As for qualifications, we do typically seek people involved with either primary care medical education, with particular research methods, or with content expertise related to a specific submission. All reviewers should have at least a Master's degree in a related discipline, although in some cases, content or contextual experts with other qualifications will be considered. We also welcome those new to the peer review process, but some experience reviewing or publishing is preferred.
We thank you for your interest in helping make PRiMER a successful venture!