Musicians' Union Members
Is a ‘simple will’ right for you?
The online questionnaire is designed to create a simple and straightforward will. If any of the following apply, then a simple will may not be suitable for you, and it may not be possible to meet your requirements within our discounted fee scale.
The online questionnaire is designed to create a simple and straightforward will. If any of the following apply, then a simple will may not be suitable for you, and it may not be possible to meet your requirements within our discounted fee scale.
Please contact us to discuss your personal circumstances if:
• You or your partner have children from a previous relationship
• You have a disabled beneficiary or a beneficiary who would find it difficult to manage a large sum of money
• You have assets outside the UK
• You own a business
• You are the beneficiary of a trust
• You or your partner have children from a previous relationship
• You have a disabled beneficiary or a beneficiary who would find it difficult to manage a large sum of money
• You have assets outside the UK
• You own a business
• You are the beneficiary of a trust
In order that we can comply with the Money Laundering Regulations, we are required to obtain identification from all clients.
Please upload an electronic copy of one document from Category A below (which needs to be valid and current), and one from Category B (which needs to be less than 3 months old and includes your name and current address). These need to be clear, legible and full (not part copy) copies or photographs.
In order that we can comply with the Money Laundering Regulations, we are required to obtain identification from all clients.
Please upload an electronic copy of one document from Category A below (which needs to be valid and current), and one from Category B (which needs to be less than 3 months old and includes your name and current address). These need to be clear, legible and full (not part copy) copies or photographs.
Category A (which needs to be valid and current):
- UK/ EU Photocard Driving Licence;
- HM Forces ID card with photo;
- Signed UK/EU/foreign passport or National ID card;
- Firearms certificate;
- For those without a valid, current driving licence or passport, a valid current photocard bus pass or disabled ‘blue badge’.
Category B (which needs to be less than 3 months old and includes your name and current address):
- DWP/HMRC communication;
- Bank/Building Society/Credit Card/Mortgage Statement;
- Utility bill (but not mobile phone bill);
- Council Tax bill, letter or statement for current year.
Please note that we cannot proceed with drafting the will without these, so make sure you have them before completing this form. If you are creating a mirror will for your spouse/partner, we will also require ID for them as well. If you have any difficulties in providing any of these documents do not hesitate to contact the person handling your matter.
Politically Exposed People
We are required to ask you whether you are "politically exposed" or if you are related to or associated with such a person. Click here to find out what this means.