Issue Date: March 29, 2023
Proposal Due Date: April 28, 2023
The Florida Student Success Center (FSSC) is announcing a new grant opportunity for Florida College System (FCS) and State University System (SUS) faculty members to develop open master course shells that may be used for the instruction of gateway mathematics courses across the state of Florida.
We are primarily looking to fund the development of master course shells for two new courses: MGF X130 Mathematical Thinking and MGF X131 Mathematics in Context. Proposals for new courses will be funded at $5,000.
We will also accept proposals from applicants who are looking for funding to create master course shells for existing courses: MAC X105 College Algebra and MAC X311 Calculus I, and STA X023 Introductory Statistics I. Proposals for existing courses will be funded at $3,000.
Funds are intended to compensate instructor time for course development; no budget proposal is required. Priority will be given to group proposals where faculty members from more than one institution are represented, though individual proposals and group proposals with faculty from a single institution will be accepted. Grantees chosen will be required to work with a designated instructional designer selected by FSSC through a complementary RFP Mathematics Pathways Instructional Design Grants.