By completing this survey you're contributing to the data Count on Mothers compiles and sends to policymakers to inform legislation. All answers are confidential. Your answers are not examined with any email address/IP address you provide.

Count on Mothers produces data and insights on behalf of mothers to inform policymakers.

Survey time: 2 MINUTES

We've compiled the data from the last question on all of our 2024 surveys and identified the top five issues that mothers want to see addressed by policymakers. This month's survey is focused on the top five issues.
This survey follows principles of research ethics and survey design as referenced in A. Rubin and E. A. Babbie. (2017). Research methods for social work. Cengage. Completing this survey is voluntary; you can choose to stop answering the survey at any time. No personal information will be shared or analyzed with your responses.

Question Title

* 1. I am a Mother.

Question Title

* 2. Substance Use/Abuse in my community, family, or on a national level is a major concern I have as a mother.

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* 3. Abortion/Reproductive Rights (whether pro-life or pro-choice) is a critical issue for me as a mother.

Question Title

* 4. Healthcare Access/Cost/Quality issues have caused stress or harm in my family.

Question Title

* 5. Food Access/Cost/Nutrition/Toxin issues are a major cause for concern in my family.

Question Title

* 6. Childcare Access/Cost/Quality issues have caused stress or harm in my family.

Question Title

* 7. If mothers could join forces across political and regional backgrounds, what do you wish the power of the pack could solve?

Question Title

* 8. In a few words, what is the greatest barrier you are facing today as a mother?

Question Title

* 9. How many children do you have?

Question Title

* 10. Your race or ethnicity is best described as:

Question Title

* 12. Generally, I identify as

Question Title

* 14. My five-digit zip code is