Online Consultation Form for the
UN Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms

Please review Policy Brief 8: Information Integrity on Digital Platforms as background material for your consultation submission. You are advised to prepare your inputs before using this online submission form.

As part of the UN’s consultation process, individuals, groups, and organizations are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions through this online form on the proposed content of these principles and recommendations (found in Policy Brief 8), as well as to make suggestions on methodologies for implementing the principles. Submitted inputs may also raise new principles and/or recommendations.

Online submissions that adhere to the scope of the requested input may be made public, including contact names and organizations (but not specific contact details). Please note that only completed submissions will be considered.

For any questions or technical issues on the form, please contact – We look forward to hearing from you!
1.Are you submitting on behalf of yourself, a group, or an entity/organization?(Required.)
2.Did you or your entity participate in a UNIC / UN Country Team consultation?
3.Contact First Name:(Required.)
4.Contact Surname:(Required.)
5.Contact E-mail address:(Required.)
6.Contact job title or area of expertise:
7.Name of entity/organization (if applicable):
8.Please select the country location of your area of work. [For UNIC / UN Country Team staff, please choose your location](Required.)
9.Website (if applicable):
Please provide your inputs on the content of the 9 proposed principles below (as detailed in the section entitled “Towards a United Nations Code of Conduct” in Policy Brief 8: Information Integrity on Digital Platforms) and recommendations to stakeholders (be specific, where relevant). We kindly request that inputs for each principle be limited to 200 words.
10.Commitment to information integrity (200 words maximum)
11.Respect for human rights (200 words maximum)
12.Support for independent media (200 words maximum)
13.Increased transparency (200 words maximum)
14.User empowerment (200 words maximum)
15.Strengthen research and data access (200 words maximum)
16.Scaled up responses (200 words maximum)
17.Stronger disincentives (200 words maximum)
18.Enhanced trust and safety (200 words maximum)
19.Other (proposal for a new principle not already addressed) (200 words maximum)
20.In no more than 200 words, please provide any additional suggestions for methodologies of implementation.

Thank you for your inputs! The UN Department of Global Communications may follow up with respondents for further information. Your inputs, along with other consultations and research conducted by the United Nations, will be considered and incorporated into the development of a UN Code of Conduct. You may visit for more information.

Please make sure you click the SUBMIT button!

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