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* 1. Which age group are you a part of?

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* 2. Do you currently have health insurance coverage?

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* 3. How long have you been on the plan you are currently covered by?

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* 4. Are you the parent or caregiver for someone who has health insurance?

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* 5. How long has the person you are caring for been on the plan they are covered by?

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* 6. Which of the following best describes your role in making healthcare-related decisions including which insurance plan to choose?

  For yourself For someone you are the parent or caregiver of
I make the decision alone
I share the decisions with someone else
Someone else makes the decisions

Question Title

* 7. Which one of the following best describes your current health insurance coverage? (For yourself, please only select your primary insurance. For someone you are the parent or caregiver of, select all that apply.)

  For yourself For someone you are the parent or caregiver of
Insured by own employer or union
Insured through spouse or partner's employer or union
Receive Medicare
Receive Medicaid
Buy coverage directly (through the Federal Marketplace, an insurance agent, or directly from an insurance company, but not through an employer)
Coverage by TRICARE, CHAMPUS, CHAPVA, VA, military health care, or Indian Health Service
Not sure