The longer Health 2020 policy framework and strategy document provides the contextual analysis, sets out the main strategies and interventions that work, and describes the capacities needed to implement the Health 2020 policy.

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* 1. Contact details: Name

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* 2. Contact details: Country

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* 3. Contact details: E-mail

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* 4. Do you agree with the main elements of the document? Is there, in your view, anything that should be added or any material that is redundant and should be omitted? Is the structure of the document helpful ?

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* 5. Does the contextual analysis for Health 2020 presented in Part 1 adequately and convincingly capture the emerging drivers of health, as well as trends, opportunities and risks?

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* 6. In Part 2 are the proposed strategies and interventions the most promising to address the public health challenges and seize the opportunities that exist to promote health and well-being in the European Region? Are the economic arguments clearly and convincingly made?

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* 7. Are the proposed strategies and interventions sensitive to the context and needs of your country?

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* 8. Is there sufficient emphasis on the strengthening of health systems, in terms of both public health and health care, and are the arguments clear and convincing?

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* 9. Are the proposed Health 2020 targets for the WHO European Region relevant and appropriate? Please select those that you feel best capture the essence of Health 2020. If you wish to propose additional ones, please do so, providing the evidence base and methods used to arrive at the target selected.

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* 10. In addition to the above questions, please feel free to comment on any aspect of the document as you consider appropriate.

Please note that this longer document will eventually be made more concise, and laid out and printed in an attractive format and easy to use colour coding for different topics and themes.