Address: headspace Capalaba - 1/29-37 Moreton Bay Road, Capalaba, 4157.

Wesley Mission Queensland's friendly team of staff and volunteers at headspace Capalaba assist young people aged 12 to 25 with mental health, general health, drug, alcohol, work and study issues.

With access to psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and non-clinical staff, the service provides a holistic approach to support improving the mental health and general well-being of young people. headspace Capalaba offers enhanced support, including low-intensity and complex care coordination based on individual needs.

We are looking for expressions of interest from people interested in furthering their careers and governance experience through the Independent Consortium Chair volunteer role while making a difference in the lives of young people in the local community in the Redlands area.
About The Role of Independent Consortium Chair

As part of the role, the Chair:

  • Leads the headspace Capalaba Consortium focusing on integrating a holistic approach to local service delivery to ensure community needs are met.
  • Provides independent leadership to the headspace Capalaba Consortium supporting the core strategic objectives of the headspace model, supports the management of the headspace centre.
  • Works in partnership with the headspace Capalaba Centre Manager and provided with secretarial support by the headspace Capalaba Medical Receptionist.
Intended outcomes of the Consortium:
  • Strengthened relationships between local community organisations and the headspace service, leading to improved pathways between services and increased community collaboration around priority issues.
  • Greater community buy-in and a sense of shared ownership of and commitment to the headspace Capalaba services.
  • A clearer understanding of the local community, including specific health issues and determinants of those health issues. Importantly, it will also inform headspace Capalaba services about the availability of resources to address these issues.
  • Advocating for and attracting additional resources for the headspace Capalaba services.
  • Improved health and wellbeing outcomes for young people.
Commitment to the role:
  • One-year appointment with the option to extend should both parties be satisfied.
  • Four to five Consortium meetings a year at two hours per meeting, held in person at Capalaba.
  • Pre and post-meeting preparation, including setting agenda and reviewing minutes.
  • The headspace Capalaba Consortium meets every two months on alternating Tuesday's between 9.30am and 11.30am. Please note there is no meeting in June.
  • Demonstrated leadership experience.
  • Experience as a Chairperson in a range of different roles.
  • Sound knowledge of corporate and clinical governance requirements and processes.
  • A collaborative style of decision-making.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Knowledge of community-based organisations.
  • Understanding of the Queensland health system.
  • Demonstrated interest in the health and well-being of young people.
  • Independence - not currently employed by Wesley Mission Queensland.
  • Demonstrated commitment to work respectfully and inclusively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, LGBTQIAP+, and culturally and linguistically diverse people.
  • Hold the required security check (can be applied for through Wesley Mission Queensland).
Before you consider becoming a volunteer, we ask that you read:
We also ask that you watch the Wesley Mission Queensland Volunteer Orientation Video to better understand volunteering with Wesley Mission Queensland.

Once you have read these documents and watched the orientation video and are confident you would like to become a volunteer, please complete this quick online form and upload a copy of your resume. Once we receive your registration, a Wesley Mission Queensland representative will contact you to discuss the role further.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Other Information
  • Please visit Wesley Mission Queensland's website to see our full privacy information and collection statement.
  • Wesley Mission Queensland holds the right to decline any expression of interests that they deem unsuitable without notice.
  • Please contact Volunteer Relations on if you need any clarification regarding this role.

Question Title

1. Please provide your personal details:

Question Title

2. Your date of birth?


Question Title

3. Please provide an emergency contact person for when you are volunteering:

Question Title

4. Do you have any special needs, time availability concerns, health issues, etc that you feel may affect your volunteer work or that we should know of in case of an emergency?

Question Title

5. Please outline your skills, experience and/or qualifications that make you suitable for the role of Independent Consortium Chair:

Question Title

6. Are you able to commit to the bi-monthly consortium?
To be held Tuesday's from 9.30am-11.30am.

Question Title

7. Do you have any experience interacting with young people aged 12 to 25 with mental health, general health, drug, alcohol, work and study issues?

Question Title

8. Do you have any of the following security checks?
Checks must be current.

Question Title

9. Are you able to provide proof that you have received a minimum of one primary COVID-19 vaccination?

Question Title

10. Please upload your resume here:
PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF files are accepted.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

11. If recruited as a Wesley Mission Queensland volunteer, I agree to work within the terms and guidelines outlined in the below declaration.

I understand that if I become a volunteer with Wesley Mission Queensland, I will be expected to:
  • Have an interest in volunteering with people young people aged 12 to 25 with mental health, general health, drug, alcohol, work, and study issues.
  • Provide an ongoing commitment to the role.
  • Interact positively with clients, participants, staff, volunteers, families, and the general public.
  • Understand and respect confidentiality, and maintain professional boundaries.
  • Volunteer within the guidelines of Wesley Mission Queensland's Code of Conduct.
  • Undertake any education or competencies required for the position.
  • Be prompt and reliable when rostered to volunteer and notify my supervisor if I cannot attend my shift.
  • Work within the philosophies, policies, procedures, and guidelines of Wesley Mission Queensland.
  • Supply or complete the required security checks (checks are provided and paid for by Wesley Mission Queensland).
  • Follow a COVID-19 safe work plan and provide proof I have received a minimum of one COVID-19 vaccination.
I have read, understood, and am willing to follow the guidelines within the:
I have watched and understood the contents in the:

By pressing "SUBMIT" I declare I understand the conditions outlined in this registration
and that the information I have provided is correct.