Welcome to the Class of 2025 Survey!
This survey seeks your feedback on the educational experience your Archdiocese of Philadelphia School provided you.
We strive to be the premier educational destination for our students and your feedback will let us know where we have been successful and where we need to improve or do something differently.
Your responses to this survey are anonymous and you need to fill out the entire survey at once: you cannot stop and return to the survey later. The survey should take you no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
Remember to use PREV/NEXT buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the survey - do NOT use Back/Forward navigation in the browser (otherwise, your survey will be terminated).
Please click DONE at the end to submit your responses. Then close all tabs of your browser - doing so will remove the temporary information about your responses from this computer/device.
Thank you for your time and your feedback!