Team Perks Survey

Thank you for participating in this voluntary survey! We have a few questions for you regarding our Team Perks discount program. Our goal is to gather information – there is no “wrong” answer. Your responses will remain anonymous. At the end of the survey, you can enter to win a prize for participating!
Disclaimer: Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
1.What are your thoughts about our Team Perks discounts?(Required.)
2.Who is the primary person that shops for your household?(Required.)
3.What best describes how often you enter your Team Perks number (0000######) at checkout?(Required.)
4.Do you know who else can enter your Team Perks number at checkout, even if you are not present? (Mark all that apply)(Required.)
5.Take a guess! How many Family of Brands items (UPC’s) qualify for your Team Perks discount?(Required.)
6.Would you like to know more about what brands qualify for your Team Perks?(Required.)
7.If you would like to enter a raffle for participating in this survey, please provide your Employee ID Number.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered
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