Fencing For Children & Adults
Zorro Club
Kit Purchase

> Soft & Electric
Electric and Soft Club Kit
This information pack and purchase form is for fencers who have been practising soft or electric fencing before, or just moved up to electric fencing and do not yet have all their own personal kit. 

Personal Fencing Kit
Because of covid regulations, fencers need to have personal fencing kit. The club can sell you the kit you need. We have a buy-back scheme aimed at children who will grow out of their kit and just talk to us if you want to find out more. This kit will be available for you to collect at the first session and you can try on different sizes to get what is right for you. If you are unsure what kit to get then just speak to the coach.

[At any time you decide to stop, upgrade or if your child grows out of their kit, you can sell this kit back to the club at 50% of buying value if in good condition.]

Personal Fencing foil (sword)
Adults are free to choose between the different foils available in the range from soft foils, to steel practice foils and electric foils with different grades of steel. Generally children only get their own personal fencing foil (sword) when they are 13 years of age. Sometimes coaches may approve younger children to have their own personal foil if they are happy they will be safe with it at home. For children who can't have their own fencing foil, the club will provide foils for the children to use at the session. 

Soft Fencing Kit
For soft fencing each fencer needs to have their own mask and glove. You have two options:
£60 (new glove, used soft mask) soft masks shorter lifespan.
£120 (new glove, new steel mask) steel masks last for years.
Go straight to the next page to select and pay.

Electric Fencing Kit

For electric fencing you will need all your personal fencing kit. The list below sets out the items of kit you will need. The club can provide you with this kit to ensure you get the correct items and make it easier for you. All the kit sold by the club is of high quality and we ensure the kit complies with the latest regulations.

List of Electric Kit & Prices    
Fencing kit is a good investment and should last for years. You can buy your kit a few items at a time or you can get all the electric kit elements together once you are ready.

Mask £120
Jacket £108
Breeches £78
U/plastron £48
Glove £30
Lame £102
Body wire £24
TOTAL £510

Special Package Price
If you are buying your full electric kit in one go we can help you by offering you a 20% discount. So you will only pay £395 for the full kit with just the foil to add. This is a huge saving.

We also have some second hand kit. If you are interested, email us and we can help you see what is available.
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