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* 1. How many years of experience do you have in aerospace?

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* 2. What is - or was (if retired or laid off) - your job title or job code?

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* 3. SPEEA ACE provides free learning events for SPEEA members, students, laid off and retired aerospace workers. What types of training would you be interested in taking?

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* 4. Mentor Interest: SPEEA ACE is sponsoring our 2nd mentor/mentee matching event in January. This will kick-off our 5-month mentorship program between college students pursuing a career in aerospace and aerospace professionals.

Mentors will spend about 2-3 hours each month within the 5 month mentorship with their mentees. Please indicate your level of interest:

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* 5. Outreach Opportunities: The continued success of SPEEA ACE depends on outreach to prospective students of different ages. We are looking for SPEEA ACE “ambassadors” to help us get the word out about our scholarships, childcare, training and mentoring.

Ambassadors will help at conferences, STEM events, schools and with professional organizations. You do not have to be a SPEEA member to be an ambassador.  Please indicate your level of interest in participating:

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* 6. Community Involvement: Tell us about any activities or groups you are involved with that might be interested in more information about SPEEA ACE. (Robotics, Service Clubs, school programs, etc.)

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* 7. Do you have an expertise that might be a good SPEEA ACE training or class?

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* 8. Do you have any relationships with aerospace employers in Washington state that we may want to consider for a possible apprenticeship program?

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* 9. Share any final comments, training suggestions or questions.

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* 10. Please provide contact information (please fill out completely if you want us to reach out to you in response to any answers)

SPEEA ACE does not share contact information.

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* 11. Demographic Information: The SPEEA ACE program mission is "to increase diversity and equity in professional and technical careers in the aerospace workforce. "

SPEEA ACE is state funded. Your responses to demographic information are voluntary and is requested by the granting agency and could help in the mentee matching process. SPEEA ACE may report aggregate findings about the demographics on its website or in other public spaces.

If you indicated interest in mentoring, please put Thursday, January 26th at 5pm on your calendar. We will be matching in mid December and will be in touch soon.
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