BDT & MSD Scholars: Apprenticeship Program Application

Thank you for your interest in the BDT & MSD Scholars: Apprenticeship Program, virtually taking place Tuesday, August 8 – Wednesday, August 9, 2023. We ask all students to be fully available with no conflicts or other commitments for the duration of the program.

Please complete the full application. Should you have questions throughout, please contact Meredith Friedman at 312-529-6564 or Once your application has been submitted, the BDT & MSD team will reach out to you with next steps. Note that your contact information (name, email, cell phone and social media handles) and all other information is confidential and will not be distributed outside of BDT & MSD.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked to write a brief autobiography and share why you are interested in participating in the Scholars Program. We recommend completing the application in one sitting, though you can begin the application and return to it later on the same device. Expected time for completion is approximately 10 minutes.

BDT & MSD and its affiliates are committed to confidentiality and protecting the security and privacy of your personal information and hold ourselves to the highest standards in this regard. Please contact Meredith Friedman at for more information and to obtain a copy of our recently updated privacy policy.