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Inputs to the Secretary-General's Report on Policies and Programmes Involving

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs presents its compliments and refers to Resolution E/CN.5/2019/L.3, entitled “Policies and programmes involving youth” which requested a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution including progress on the achievements and challenges in the implementation of the World Programme of Action (WPAY) for Youth including linkages to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Member States, United Nations Agencies, Funds, Programmes and Offices, and relevant Civil Society may wish to provide information via this survey. In addition to a general update on the implementation of the WPAY and the 2030 Agenda, this survey will focus on three thematic areas: 1. youth poverty alleviation, 2. digital global economy, 3. juvenile justice and youth & the law.

Youth for the purposes of this survey is defined as 15-24 for statistical purposes, however, we welcome additional data for young people up to the age of 30 for this survey if available.

If you have any queries, please contact

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. Country

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* 4. Region

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* 5. Organisation type

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* 6. Email

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* 7. Contact phone number

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* 8. Mailing Address

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* 9. General updates on the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as relevant to Youth

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* 10. General updates - additional information 

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* 11. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, please provide the most up to date (2020) data, disaggregated by age, education, gender, job category (formal/informal/precarious), and geography (rural/urban) for the past 12 years, to the closest extent possible via excel, CSV or other machine readable format to

A.     Prevalence of youth in extreme poverty ($1.25) (SDG indicator 1.1.1)
B.     Prevalence of youth in poverty according to national definitions (SDG indicators 1.2.1 and 1.2.2)
C.     Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population (SDG indicator 2.1.2)

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* 12. Have you put any poverty alleviation policies in place specifically for youth, if so, please state what the policies are? If not, please refer to broader policies and how youth are, or are not, addressed under those policies. In both cases, please indicate whether they are national/subnational policies and if they are long-term or temporary measures.

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* 13. What development assistance policies and programmes have been developed to alleviate youth poverty internationally?

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* 14. For your poverty alleviation policies (including development assistance policies), what consultation mechanisms do you employ? (in person/digital etc.). What was the inclusion criteria for the organisations/participants involved in these consultations? Please state which policies you are referring to in your answers, alongside examples of organisations and participants.

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* 15. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, please provide the most up to date (2020) data, disaggregated by age, education, gender, job category (formal/informal/precarious), and geography (rural/urban) for the past 12 years, to the closest extent possible via excel, CSV or other machine readable format to

A.     Percentage of youth not in employment, education and training
B.     Youth employment by industry/sector,
C.     Youth income by industry/sector

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* 16. What policies are being proposed or considered to better manage the effects of globalization and technological transformation on youth? (e.g. education, fiscal, innovation, investment, labour, trade, or other policies)

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* 17. Please elaborate on the policies identified in the previous question

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* 18. Have you undertaken initiatives that created opportunities for co-creation and partnerships between government and young people to generate employment, entrepreneurship or other opportunities for youth? What have been the impacts of previous initiatives aimed at supporting youth to take advantage of the new digital global economy?

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* 19. What is the yearly number of young persons aged 15-17 and 18-24—currently and over the past 10 years (2009-2019)—being detained or imprisoned in any form (arrested by law enforcement, held in pre-trial detention, juvenile facilities, correctional facilities, immigration-related detention, administrative detention or detained for public health reasons)? Please provide information disaggregated by age group (aged 15-17 and 18-24), gender, belonging to a minority group, type of offence (serious offences, including violent offences/drug-related offences/status and moral offences/other offences), and type of detention, including the duration of detention (disaggregated by pre and post trial) via excel, CSV or other machine readable formats to Please also indicate whether the term ‘young adult’ is defined in the criminal justice system (provide definition), and whether a special regime applies to this category. 

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* 20. What specific policies, including related action plans and programmes have been implemented in relation to youth (aged 15-17 and 18-24) and the justice system, and what has the demonstrated impact of such measures been?

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* 21. What efforts have been taken at national and community levels to increase youth’s participation in the formulation and implementation of policies, action plans and programmes related to youth (aged 15-17 and 18-24) and the justice system?

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* 22. What approaches, including policies and action plans and programmes, have been undertaken with the aim of increasing mutual trust between authorities, including law enforcement, and young persons (aged 15-17 and 18-24) at the community and national levels and how effective have such measures been in accomplishing this aim? Please include information drawn on impact assessment studies

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* 23. What policies, programmes, and policing models have been employed with the aim of reducing authorities’ use of force against young persons (aged 15-17 and 18-24) and how effective have such measures been in accomplishing this aim? Please include information drawn on impact assessment studies.

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* 24. What are the main mechanisms/programmes for rehabilitation and reintegration of young persons in conflict with the law (aged 15-17 and 18-24) that are being used and have any of them been formally evaluated? If so, how effective have they been in terms of preventing recidivism and promoting integration into society?

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* 25. To what extent are mechanisms/programmes for diversion and restorative justice for young persons in conflict with the law (aged 15-17 and 18-24) applied how effective have such measures been (please provide impact evaluation studies)?

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* 26. If you have any further information you wish to provide on any of the above questions, please upload your file

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