Welcome to the Learning Content Strategy Survey

The last year has highlighted the importance of supporting distanced learning for practically all organisations in the response to the pandemic, to changing demographics, to new ways of working and the need to develop new skills for the changing world of work.

For many organisations Digital Learning content, resources and courses has been a critical pillar of corporate learning for the last two decades or more. For others, large and small they have been embracing it digital learning approaches for the first time. Nearly all have expanded adoption. But two years into the pandemic, it’s time to reflect. It’s time to ask questions of our learning content strategy – so we can take our organisation’s learning strategies and people development to the next level.

The purpose of this survey is to uncover what's working with organisations learning content strategy and fuel the debate for better digital learning in all organisations.

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. All responses are treated in the strictest confidence and no views or information will be directly attributed to a person or company in any of the published results. You can view our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to reporting back to you with the results!

David Perring, Fosway Group and Ollie Browning, Go1