Question Title * 1. How old are you? 15-18 19-21 22-24 25+ OK Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to say OK Question Title * 3. Which city do you live in? Johannesburg Pretoria Durban Cape Town Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Do you use substances? Yes No Rather not say OK Question Title * 5. Did you know that medication can be addictive if not used correctly? Yes No OK Question Title * 6. True or False - Medication that is most often abused includes painkillers, anti-anxiety medications and sleeping pills. True False OK Question Title * 7. True or False - Those who are addicted to medication tend to snort or inject pills to get high. True False OK Question Title * 8. Is it true that using medication recreationally, eg. drinking codeine in the form of ‘lean’, can lead to addiction? Yes, it’s true No, that’s not true OK Question Title * 9. Would you agree that meds can be very addictive and make you dependent on them if you use them to function or ‘feel good’? Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree OK Question Title * 10. Do you agree that misusing medication DOES NOT lead to many health disorders, such as issues with your heart and lungs, liver conditions and damage to your kidneys? Yes, it doesn’t lead to such issues No, it can lead to those issues I don’t know OK Question Title * 11. Is it true that you can tell if a person is addicted to medication if they steal, forge or take higher doses of medication than prescribed, and become moody or aggressive when they haven’t taken any pills? Yes, it’s true No, it’s not true OK Question Title * 12. Do you know about Choma? Yes No OK Question Title * 13. If you answered yes, have you used the Choma platforms (Website, Social Media)? Yes No OK Question Title * 14. How long have you used the Choma platforms? Less than 6 months 6 months to a year For more than a year OK CALCULATE YOUR RESULTS