Help Us Improve Building Control Services

We are exploring what works and what doesn’t work in the existing system for Local Authority Building control services and how we might improve services in this area. If you work, or have previously worked, at a Local Authority Building Control service – we would welcome your feedback on your experiences. This will help us understand where issues may lie and inform our best future direction.

The survey should take no longer than ten minutes to complete and your responses will be confidential. Response data may be shared with Marvell Consulting who will be doing data analysis for this programme.

Question Title

* 1. Are you answering as a...

Question Title

* 2. How long have you worked in Local Authority Building Control?

Question Title

* 3. Which of these best describes your current role?

Question Title

* 4. Have you worked at a private sector company as approved inspector?

6% of survey complete.