MDOT Local Public Agency Consistancy Survey Local Agency Construction Survey Consistency & Alignment of MDOT’s Construction Oversight Activities OK An LPA (Local Public Agency) Stakeholder Partnering Team was chartered in June of 2017 as an FHWA Every Day Counts initiative. Participants include the Federal Highway Administration, Michigan Department of Transportation, County Road Association, Michigan Municipal League, and Consultant members. The team’s mission is to identify and address programmatic challenges. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is charged with overseeing local agency construction projects to ensure compliance with federal funding requirements, per Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 23, Part 635.105. MDOT’s oversight activities are outlined in the Construction Wiki, Division 1, Supplemental Information, Local Agency. Survey feedback will help pinpoint areas of inconsistencies, gauge effectiveness of the current oversight structure, and assist in refining MDOT’s construction oversight of Local Agency projects to a more consistent, effective, aligned effort. Kelly L. Crannell, P.E., MBA is MDOT’s statewide Local Agency Construction Engineer tasked with program delivery alignment and consistency. If you’d like to talk with her regarding any specifics, please feel free to contact her at 517-230-8500 or Thank you for your participation in the survey! OK NEXT