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COVID-19 has reshaped the way we work, with more locals than ever before working from home. Understanding the challenges and benefits you have experienced during this time is critical in planning for the future of work.

Hearing from you plays a key role in understanding how these lessons can be shaped into greater opportunities for our local community. 
Help us learn from your experience of working from home.

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* 1. Age:

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* 2. Gender:

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* 3. Suburb:

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* 5. Condition of employment:

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* 6. Do you identify as any of the following? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. How has COVID-19 affected your workplace arrangements?

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* 8. Would you choose to work from home if permitted by your employer?

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* 9. How would you rate your satisfaction with the experience of working from company offices?

0 - Very unsatisfied Neutral 100 - Very satisfied

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* 10. How would you rate your satisfaction with the experience of working from home?

0 - Very unsatisfied Neutral 100 - Very satisfied

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* 11. How has working from home impacted your productivity?

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* 12. Do you have access to the necessary technology/dedicated physical workspace i.e. quiet working space or office, necessary to work from home? (You may tick more than one)

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* 13. Would the availability of dedicated community co-working spaces increase your ability to work from home?

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* 14. When thinking of challenges you faced working from home, select all that applied to you.

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* 15. When thinking about the positives of working from home, select all that applied to you.

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* 16. What changes would be required for you to continue working from home?

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* 17. Thinking about your daily commute, how much time would the ability to work from home save you each day?

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* 18. Has working from home had an impact on your mental health?

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* 19. What elements of working from home have had the greatest impact on your mental health?

If you have responded 'no change' in question 18, please skip this question.

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* 20. Did your employer offer support in the transition to working from home?

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* 21. What assistance did your employer provide you in the transition to working from home?

This could include examples such as financial help in setting up home offices, technological assistance or increased communication support between employees and management.

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* 22. What would have made the transition easier?

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* 23. Would the ability to work from home affect your capacity to participate in the workforce?

This could include allowing you to work more hours, or take on new employment otherwise out of reach to you.

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* 24. Please use this space to share any ideas not otherwise covered in this survey, which you believe are critical in exploring the topic of Working From Home.

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* 25. If you would like to be contacted in the future, please include your preferred contact information below.

If you would prefer to remain anonymous, you may skip this question.

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