Purpose: Explore OUR preferences and suggestions for webinar/virtual classroom interactions so we can better understand how we as virtual presenters/classroom leaders can improve participation.

Outcome: When you submit your response you will be able to see the results from all participants.

Definitions: In this survey "webinar" generically to mean webinar, webcast, or virtual classroom. "Interaction" means two-way communication.

Privacy: Anonymous. No information is collected by 1080 Group, LLC (www.1080group.com) for this survey.

Question Title

* 2. Organizations host webinars/virtual classes for numerous reasons. When you attend a another organization's webinar or virtual class, what type do you attend (and how frequently)

  1 - Never or rarely 2 3 4 5 - Frequently
"How to" or practical/training content
Product/service/sales demonstrations
Other (please specify below)
Thought leadership (e.g., presenter is a luminary, analyst, author, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. What types of technology-enabled interactions do you prefer?

  1 - Least engaging 2 3 4 5 - Most engaging
Text-based chat/questions for presenter (open for all to see)
Audio-only interactions/Q&A DURING the webinar
Text-based chat with peers (social media such as Twitter)
Social media AFTER the webinar
Submit questions AFTER the webinar
Text-based chat/questions for presenter (seen only by presenter)
Poll - multiple answers possible
Submit questions BEFORE the webinar
Video interactions/Q&A DURING the webinar
Text-based chat with peers (private)
Video interactions/Q&A AT THE END of the webinar
Breakout rooms (small group discussions)
Poll - single answer
Social media BEFORE the webinar
Text-based chat with peers (open)
Audio-only interactions/Q&A AT THE END of the webinar
Hand up/hand down
Poll - blended with open-ended chat

Question Title

* 4. What suggestion would you make to webinar/virtual classroom presenters to improve how engaging they are?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any tips or tricks of what you have done to improve response/engagement/interaction?