1. Overview

Lambeth Council Adult Social Care is recommissioning its prevention contract, known as the Independent Living and Carers Partnership contract. The contract is delivered by a partnership of organisations working across Lambeth to help those in need. Under this contract, our partners provide services that support people through information, advice, social prescribing, direct payments, carer support, advocacy, befriending and practical support.

These services are an important part of supporting people to stay independent, reduce or delay the need for statutory interventions, maintain choice and control over their care and have their voices heard.

To shape the future contract, we would like to hear from you. Your answers will help us to understand which services are important to you.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this anonymous survey. If you have any questions or would like support to fill out this survey over the phone, please contact our team on 020 7926 2778, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays.

Lambeth Council's privacy notice is set out here