Learn about programs and services to meet the needs of the children in your care.
Find programs and services to meet the needs of the children in your care.
Use programs and services to meet the needs of the children in your care.
Learn about programs and services to meet YOUR needs as a kinship caregiver.
Find programs and services to meet YOUR needs as a kinship caregiver.
Use programs and services to meet YOUR needs as as kinship caregiver.
Connect with 2-11 or 3-1-1 information systems to access services
Become a part of the development of a program to service kinship caregivers.
Youth in your care have help to inform services for kinship families.
Connect with government agencies.
Connect with community-based agencies.
Connect with Faith-Based organizations.
Access information and referral systems that link kinship caregivers to each other.
Access information and referral systems that link kinship caregivers to support group facilitators.
Access information and referral systems that link kinship caregivers to service providers.
Connect with a kinship care ombudsman with authority to intervene and help kinship caregivers access services.
Determine eligibility for federal benefits.
Determine eligibility for state benefits.
Determine eligibility for local benefits.
Enroll in federal benefits.
Enroll in state benefits.
Enroll in local benefits.
Participate in training to assist with caregiving for children in your care.
Participate in training on obtaining benefits and services.
Access to legal assistance.
Access to a kinship care website.
Access to kinship caregiving resource guides.