Clarkson University: Presidential Search Survey

Clarkson University – assisted by its search consultants from Isaacson, Miller – is collecting input from the University community regarding expectations for the new President and perspectives about the ideal candidate profile. Based on your feedback and recommendations, in addition to the Zoom and in-person listening sessions on campus, we will finalize the position description. The results of this survey will be strictly confidential and will only be shared with the search consultants for use by the Presidential Search Committee.

We also welcome your suggestions of possible candidates, ideally with contact information and brief comments as to why you think they would be compelling and how you know them.

Thanks for your engagement in this important effort.
- Sanjeev Kulkarni ‘84
- Georgia Keresty ‘83
1.What is your role? Please select all that apply. 
2.What do you consider the greatest strengths of Clarkson that are important to preserve and foster in the coming years?
3.What do you consider the greatest challenges and opportunities facing the University and its next leader?
4.Where would you like to see Clarkson in five years?
5.What skills, types of experiences, qualities, and characteristics do you think the next President should possess?
6.Is there anyone you wish to suggest or nominate as a candidate for the position? Please share how you know them and why you think they would be compelling.
7.Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered
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