VictoryXR Quest 2 Headset Giveaway Application

1.Name of College or University
5.Name of Primary Contact
6.Email address:
7.Position of key contact?
8.Number of enrolled students for the current school year for the full college or university?
9.Please choose a designation for the school.
10.Please describe which college or colleges would be involved in the metaversity effort.
11.A metaversity has specific value for kinesthetic, hands-on learning. If you have an idea how this type of learning might be implemented in your effort, please share it with us here.
12.Does your school site have a champion for the metaversity program?
13.Is the chancellor, president, provost or dean supportive of a metaversity proof of concept campus?
14.If selected, when would you be able to begin metaversity classes?
15.Does your school currently have experience with virtual reality or augmented reality?
16.25 VR Quest 2 headsets are valued at $10,000 which VictoryXR will provide at no charge. The responsibility of the university/college is to make a two year commitment to testing a metaversity campus, utilizing a minimum of 25 seats/licenses per year, for two years. This cost of licenses carries a fee of $5,000 per year, for two years for a total of $10,000 for the course of the program. The only other cost is the branding of the campus with the school logo, which is $5,000. At no cost, VictoryXR will provide the headsets, the professional development, 9,000 3D models, a basic campus with five branded classrooms on a campus of 70 classrooms.
Is this an arrangement your university or college will commit to?
17.If you like the idea but need more information, please tick this box and we will reach out to you. 
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