Question Title

* 1. How often do you read VFW Action Corps Weekly email?

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* 2. Which general priorities interest you most?
Please rank in order of your preference by moving the most important to the top of the list and the least important to the bottom.

Question Title

* 3. Specifically, in which VFW Action Corps Weekly updates are you most interested?
Please rank in order of your preference by moving the most important to the top of the list and the least important to the bottom.

Question Title

* 4. When you receive periodic VFW Action Alerts, do you click “Take Action” to send a pre-written message to your Members of Congress and how often?

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* 5. What most inspires you to send a VFW Action Alert message to Congress?

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following topics would you like to see covered more often in VFW Action Corps Weekly?
Please rank in order of your preference by moving the most important to the top of the list and the least important to the bottom.

Question Title

* 7. How would you prefer to receive news or updates from the VFW?
Please rank in order of your preference by moving the most important to the top of the list and the least important to the bottom.

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* 8. How would you describe yourself? (check all that apply)

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* 9. What day of the week do you most often have time to read VFW Action Corps Weekly emailed messages?

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* 10. At what time of day do you most often have time to read VFW Action Corps Weekly?

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* 11. What is your age?