Voices for Casey works hard to understand what matters to you, the people of Federal Electorate of Casey, what sort of Australia you would like to live in.

Please take the opportunity to share what you think by completing the survey below.

Question Title

* 1. Please rank from 1-11 the below options with your order of priority with 1 being highest and 1 1 being lowest. Tap on the scroll up or scroll down arrows to move the options higher or lower in the list.

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* 2. Did we miss anything that you would like to add to the list above?

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* 3. Cost of living - which areas concern you?

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* 4. Social issues affect all of us. Please pick your top 3 areas to be addressed.

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* 5. Integrity in politics is a re-occurring challenge. Please pick your top 3 issues to be addressed.

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* 6. Climate and environment; which of the following topics should be addressed first? Please pick 3.

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* 7. Which area of publicly funded supports and services need the most attention in your view? Please rank from 1-8 the below options with your order of priority with 1 being highest and 8 being lowest. Tap on the scroll up or scroll down arrows to move the options higher or lower in the list.

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* 8. Did we miss anything that you would like to add to the list above?

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* 9. Thinking about the economy, please identify your 3 most important areas of concern.

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* 10. In regard to national security what concerns you the most. Please pick 1.

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

To help us ensure that we get feedback from across our area please answer the questions below. Your responses will remain completely anonymous. Any data will only be analysed for the purposes of a better understanding of community concerns in the Casey electorate. Our privacy policy, relating to the use of data can be viewed at https://www.voices4casey.com.au.

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* 12. Which postcode do you live in?

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* 13. Please select your age bracket.

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* 14. How do you describe your gender?

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* 15. How many years have you lived in the Yarra Ranges / Casey?

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* 16. Your current household is:

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* 17. Please provide your first name.

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* 18. Please provide your last name.

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* 19. Please provide your email address.

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* 20. Please provide a contact phone number.

If you would like to participate in a Voices for Casey working group on a particular issue, or simply want to know more about us please contact us at https://www.voices4casey.com.au/

Thank you for completing the survey.