
Highlands and Islands Enterprise are interested in your experiences of Community Wealth Building - a people-centred approach to local economic development, involving redirecting wealth back into the local community to ensure local people benefit.

Taking part in this survey will help Highlands and Islands Enterprise and partners to better target support to communities across the Highlands and Islands.
This survey asks you questions about your Community Group or Organisation with sections on:
  • Workforce
  • Engagement with your community
  • Income sources
The survey also asks about different kinds of assets including:
  • Your organisation/group’s current assets
  • Follow-up questions on different types of assets- land, buildings, energy, transport and marine
  • Plans for acquiring assets in the future
We estimate the survey will take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time.

The Our Place, Our Prosperity - The Voice of Communities survey is conducted on behalf of Highlands and Islands Enterprise by Diffley Partnership. Any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and no information will be released that can identify the specific views of you or your organisation. See full Privacy Notice.