Tatton Services Survey Thank you for providing feedback on the proposals for Tatton Services. We will ask you for some details about yourself. This is to make sure we are reaching as wide an audience as possible. Question Title * 1. What is your gender Male Female Non-Binary Prefer not to say Question Title * 2. What is your age? Under 20 21 - 35 36 - 50 51 - 65 66 - 80 Over 80 Prefer not to say Question Title * 3. How far away do you live from the site? Within 5 minutes walk 5 - 10 minutes walk A car journey Prefer not to say Question Title * 4. Are you responding as a: Local resident Local business Local councillor Representation of a group or organisation Question Title * 5. If you have any comments for us about the proposals, please leave them here. Your comments are important to us and form part of the public consultation process. Submit Response