1. Overview

Lambeth Council is refreshing its Creative Economy strategy which will set out the council's commitment to the creative industries for the next five years, so that Lambeth become one of the best places in the city to run a creative business.

This survey is aimed at creative businesses in Lambeth. When we use the term “creative business” we refer to any legally registered organisation, including private companies, charities, CICs, and other enterprises, that operates or works across any creative or cultural sector.

Anyone who completes this survey will be entered into a draw to win a voucher for a weekend brunch experience at Skylon on the South Bank.

This survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete. Any information you provide will only be used for analysis purposes by Lambeth Council to help us better understand the creative businesses in our borough. Your details will not be passed on to any other organisations without your consent.

Thank you in advance for contributing your views and experiences in this survey. It will help us ensure that our strategy reflects your needs and aspirations.