Share your story below

We are seeking your stories to help ensure there is a strong customer voice and the very best customer stories and learning for attendees.
If you are willing to share your experiences as a session and your submission is accepted, as thank you, you will get a complimentary place for both days of the conference as well as the gala dinner and awards evening (Terms and Conditions provided at the end of this survey).

Please email if you would like to send us pictures, references or supporting material, or have any questions about the call for papers, the event, or your submission.

Question Title

* 1. What is the title and topic of your submission?

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* 2. Please provide a brief description of your submission/project (50-100 words):

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* 3. Please add three highlights of your session that we can include in the conference programme. Please include a learning outcome - make it sound irresistible for people to attend!
(This can be confirmed or updated at a later date)

Question Title

* 4. Which RLDatix or Allocate product does your submission relate to?

Question Title

* 5. What will delegates learn from your session?

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* 6. Please quantify your success if possible:
(This could either financial savings or other statistics)

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* 7. Please provide details of anyone else or another organisation that has supported you with this piece of work?

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* 8. Please rank the following benefits in order of how much support you think the RLDatix & Allocate products support in achieving them.
(1= most helpful, 4= least helpful)

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* 9. It is vital we have a mixture of sessions to suit different levels of experience. Please advise which of the following you feel your session is aimed at. (Tick all that apply) 

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* 10. Please advise which of the following you feel your session is aimed at (tick all that apply).

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* 11. Please enter your contact details below in case we need to speak to your about your submission or contact you on the day of the event.

Terms and Conditions:
  • The user committee will review all papers and select successful submissions. Submitting a paper does not guarantee a place at the conference or on the agenda.
  • By submitting a session you agree to present this session at anytime on the agenda.
  • Due to the cost of putting on the conference, there is only one free ticket available for each agenda session. This means that unfortunately if there are multiple speakers then only one will be offered a free place and remaining places will require ticket purchase.
  • If you are given a free ticket as thanks for presenting and can no longer attend, RLDatix will offer the free place to another presenter.
  • If you decide you are unable to present, your free ticket will no longer be valid and if you still attend you will be charged for the event.
  • Transfer of names: your free ticket can be transferred to another speaker if they are speaking in your place.
  • If you are not successful, you may be asked to submit a poster to the event, details will be sent separately.
  • If you have any queries, please feel free to email to discuss.
  • Subject to any Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of the event, changes to the in-person event may be decided in the time leading up to the People Summit. In the event of any changes, we will endeavour to communicate this to attendees as soon as possible.

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* 12. Confirmation:

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* 13. Would you like to tell us what other subjects you would like to hear about at the People Summit?