Strategy Management Competency Assessment 17% of survey complete. Question Title 1. Strategic Thinking:Indicate which of the following most closely describes your team . . . Our team does not think strategically or work together to achieve organization wide priorities. Our team has a desire but does not have sufficient understanding of the organization’s strategy. Our team understands our organization’s strategy but is too tactical in day-to-day operational activities. Our team can think strategically and leverage strategy to prioritize operational activities. Our team can think strategically and use an effective strategic management process to continuously grow and evolve the organization. Question Title 2. Culture & Values:Indicate which of the following most closely describes your team . . . Our team is often at odds with each other and an absence of trust is pervasive. Our team is not all in agreement around the organization’s cultural and ethical behavior. Our team understands how we should treat people both inside and outside our organization. Our team shares, communicates, and holds one another accountable to a core set of values. Our team’s core values are so deeply imbedded that we often utilize them to make strategic and operational decisions. Next