1. BeQ™ - Benchmark of Engagement

14% of survey complete.
You are invited to participate in the Benchmark of Engagement Perception Study currently being conducted within Sibanye.

Engagement is the psychological construct that determines a person's willingness to apply discressionary energy at work, thus showing goodwill towards the organistation. In a system where engagement levels are high, employee satisfaction is very evident, creativity and innovation are at the order of the day, and human potential manifests in measurable organisational success factors such as performance, efficiencies and financial indicators. Staff retention as another measurable indicator is also usually high in an engaged environment.

Mandala Consulting has been tasked as external researchers to determine the level of engagement within your organisation. It is important for us to hear your opinion in order to assist us in understanding the organisational story of your organisation.

Please take your time and answer the questions that follow as honestly as possible.

All questions relate to your direct line manager, except when stated differently.

As this is a perception study, there are no right or wrong answers.

All results will be treated confidentially.

The session will last approximately 30 minutes.

Please indicate your answer by selecting the corresponding circle.

Everyone that participates in the study will receive feedback.