With your completion of the Successful Middle School Assessment, you are encouraged to apply for the AMLE School of Distinction recognition. If it is your intent to complete the AMLE School of Distinction application for recognition in 2025, please complete the online form. Please submit your Intent to Apply form within 60 days of receiving your final assessment report from your AMLE coach. This is nonbinding but helps Team AMLE support potential applicant schools.

Question Title

* 1. School Name

Question Title

* 2. School Address

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* 3. Principal's Name

Question Title

* 4. Principal's Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Date when school received final Successful Middle School Assessment Report


Question Title

* 6. I am expressing my intent to apply for recognition as an AMLE School of Distinction for the 2025 calendar year. I understand that the full application is due by February 28, 2025 by 11:59 PM ET and failure to submit all of the required information may result in rejection. I understand that the decision of the Schools of Distinction review committee is final.