Thank you for participating in the 2025 Healthcare Compliance Benchmark Survey conducted by SAI360 and Strategic Management Services.

This survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and the summarized results and statistical trends will be shared with all participants who provide their email address. Individual responses and will be held in strict confidence and used only to produce the benchmark report.

SAI360 and Strategic Management Services will host a complimentary “2025 Benchmark Survey Results" webinar for all participating respondents. It will feature a discussion of best practices and improvements that can be gleaned from the results by Richard Kusserow, former HHS Inspector General and CEO of Strategic Management Services.

Participating in the 2025 Healthcare Compliance Benchmark Survey will allow you to:
- Compare your challenges and priorities with those of your peers
- Determine how your budget compares to those of your peers
- Easily identify industry trends to help you in setting your program priorities