
A combination of healthy outdoor lifestyle opportunities and abundant natural assets are popular features of the Sunshine Coast.  

Public Recreation parks are at the very heart of the Sunshine Coast’s liveability.  Combined with the diverse offering of National Parks and other reserves, these places provide space for informal social, recreational and cultural activities, they connect people to nature, support healthy living and provide visual relief from the built form.

With significant population growth continuing on the coast, new major parks will be needed to reduce overcrowding of our favourite places, especially along the coastline.

EarthCheck is completing an independent survey on behalf of the Sunshine Coast Council to better understand what activities and experiences you value in our major parks, and what facilities you would like to see in new major parks.

There are many parks and reserves across the Sunshine Coast region. We are interested in your thoughts about major parks (rather than your local or neighbourhood park).  Sunshine Coast's major parks are identified in the map below. 

We would appreciate less than 10 minutes of your time to complete this survey.  Survey responses by Friday 4th September are appreciated.

To be informed of the outcomes of this survey, please add your contact details in the final section of the survey. All responses will remain anonymous.

Please click "Next" to begin.

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