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What is the aim of this survey? 

Welcome to our survey on cancer awareness among young adults. Your participation in this survey will help us understand the level of knowledge and understanding about cancer and its symptoms, risk factors and prevention among young adults. It will also help us identify any barriers that may prevent individuals from seeking help if they suspect they have cancer. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important research
This survey is organised by All.Can Belgium vzw, a non-profit aiming to improving efficiency in cancer care. 
Disclaimer: The information in this survey does not substitute any medical advice and cannot be used to take decisions about your health. Always consult your physician for any health-related question. 
By checking 'Yes' at the bottom, you agree that the information you enter in this survey will be processed by All.Can Belgium and that the anonymous and consolidated results of this survey will be shared with patient associations, doctors and academic and industrial partners. By participating and clicking on 'Next', you accept the privacy policy. You can revoke your consent at any time by closing the survey.

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* 1. I accept the privacy statement and agree to participate in the survey

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with the different types of cancer and their symptoms?

  1 (not at all familiar) 2 3 4 5 (very familiar)
Breast cancer
Testicular cancer

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* 4. What are, according to you, the common signs and symptoms of testicular cancer and sarcoma? Please check all that apply.

  Testicular Cancer Sarcoma
Unexplained weight loss
Changes in skin or moles
Persistent pain
Lumps or swelling
Buikpijn of rugpijn
Een vaag zwaar gevoel in de onderbuik
None/I don't know

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* 5. What are the risk factors for cancer? Please check all that apply.

  Testicular cancer Sarcoma
Family history of cancer
Certain inherited genetic mutations
Tobacco use
Cannabis use
Excessive alcohol consumption
Sun exposure
Poor diet and lack of physical activity
Exposure to certain chemicals or toxins
Infections such as HPV
Sometimes there are no risk factors

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* 6. Are there any barriers that would prevent you from seeking help if you detect changes in your body? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. Has anyone explained how to self-examine your testicles?

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* 8. Do you know how to self-examine your testicles?

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* 9. Have you ever self-examined your testicles?

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* 10. Do you self-examine your testicles regularly?